Archive for the ‘kindergarten’ Tag

Gay Issues Curriculum for Kindergarteners

Alameda School Board Considering Adoption of LBGT Curriculum

This article is just in from KGO news in San Francisco. Let’s stop kidding ourselves. Equality is not enough, despite what Equality California tells us. The gay community will not be satisfied until we openly embrace their “gayness”. So, where better to start their campaign than with school children?

Read my previous post here about why certain issues don’t belong in the elementary school classroom. And, yes, for those who haven’t read my About page, I am an elementary school teacher.

“Gay Issues” Curriculum for Kindergarteners?

Elementary School Teachers Join Day Without A Gay

You may have heard that this Wednesday, many gays and their supporters are calling in sick to show how much they will be missed as an integral part of the work force. Sounds peaceful enough, and if that’s how they want to raise awareness, I say that’s much better than vandalizing churches, harassing Prop 8 donors, or calling me a racist bigot. But, did you hear what some Philadelphia elementary school teachers are going to do during their day off? Read this excerpt from the Boston Herald:

Scott Craig, a fifth-grade teacher at Independence Charter School in Philadelphia, had no problem requesting and being granted the day off. So many of the school’s 60 teachers were eager to show support for gay rights they had to make sure enough stayed behind to staff classrooms.

About 25 teachers plan to take Wednesday off and to have their work covered by substitutes while they discuss ways to INTRODUCE GAY ISSUES to their students and volunteer at the local branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, Craig said. A letter telling parents why so many teachers would be out went home Monday.

Does anyone still believe that gay marriage will not be taught to kindergartners? It’s only a matter of time. . .

Faith Ringgold School

Why Are You Teaching GLSEN Curriculum?

Back near the end of October, I posted a link to the story School Holds Surprise Gay Day for Kindergartners. This news article details the homosexual indoctrination at Faith Ringgold School in Hayward, California, disguised as tolerance education. Some gay activists are “calling foul”. Show Me No Hate:commented on this blog saying,This has nothing to do about the promotion of Homosexuality, the gay lifestyle or even sex-ed. This is about tolerance and diversity folks, which the last time I checked my calendar its 2008 and teaching both tolerance and diversity are key elements in a secular American Education System.

Oh really? What have the experts said about the curriculum being taught at Faith Ringgold and other schools like it? See this critical review from Warren Throckmorton, PhD, Gary Welton, PhD, and Mike Ingram. In this 24 page document, the reviewers analyzed the curriculum created by the Gay Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Here is the summary of their findings:

  1. The curriculum was quite focused on presenting a favorable view of same-sex marriage. No opposing views were offered, nor were any such views included in the handouts or suggested teacher resources for classroom use.
  2. The curriculum frequently suggested the use of coercive methods to persuade students toward a favorable view of same-sex marriage.
  3. The curriculum authors often took liberties with the facts concerning same-sex unions. While much of the content was presented as fact, there were very few references given to support the material presented.
  4. Some very controversial issues and matters of debate within the psychological and medical communities were presented as settled facts.
  5. The curriculum was lengthy and would be quite impractical to implement at any level in a high school program.

The reviewers ended with this statement,

We have documented that the GLSEN curriculum is biased, coercive, inaccurate and misleading on many points and impractical in implementation. For these reasons, we respectfully suggest that school districts not use these materials for classroom instruction. We also feel that the presentation and resources are so biased that they are ineffective as background materials or as a teacher resource.

So my question to Faith Ringgold School – Why are you still teaching GLSEN curriculum?

Go here to read the entire article: Critical Review of the GLSEN Same-Sex “Marriage” Curriculum

Teaching Same-Sex Marriage in Schools – Will it happen?

This article from Fox News gives some updated information on the pledge cards that kindergartners were asked to sign as part of Faith Ringgold School’s celebration of National Ally Week. The cards asked students to promise, “not use anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) language or slurs; intervene, when I feel I can, in situations where others are using anti-LGBT language or harassing other students and actively support safer schools efforts.” This activity was one of many that happened as a celebration of Gay and Lesbian History month. Students also had a “Coming Out Day” and later will participate in a “Trans-Action Gender-Bender Read Aloud”. See the original article here:School Holds Surprise Gay Day

Are these appropriate activities for elementary school students? Of course not. So, why did they happen? In my opinion, this has a direct relation to the California Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage. The ruling sent a message to school districts, although implicit, that same-sex marriage is now equal to traditional marriage in California. As we have seen here and at Creative Arts Charter School in San Francisco (First Graders Attend Lesbian Wedding), some of California’s more liberal educators are jumping at the chance to teach students about homosexuality. In the name of tolerance, they are biasing young minds into believing that homosexuality is normal and should be accepted as such. Therefore, gay marriage must be normal as well.

Why hasn’t this happened in more schools? I believe most school leaders are wiser than these, so they are waiting for the results of Tuesday’s election. If Proposition 8 fails, then school leaders that already want to teach same-sex issues in elementary schools will go ahead. When confronted by disgruntled parents, they have only to say that it is California law, so why not teach it?

Please, consider the consequences of approving same-sex marriage in California. It hasn’t happened yet, but as an educator, I tell you, it’s only a matter of time. The curriculum has already been created by groups like the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network and New Day Films Many teachers already feel that this is an important topic for youngsters, comparing it to the civil rights movement of the sixties. What’s left? Only for Proposition 8 to fail. Please vote Yes on Proposition 8. Let’s keep discussions of sexual preference out of elementary schools.

For more information about Prop 8, visit What Is Prop 8? or

Faith Ringgold School Kindergarten Pledge Card

Please watch this new youtube video from the coalition to protect marriage. It discusses Faith Ringgold School in Hayward, California. If you are unfamiliar with the events happening at the school, see my other posts, or click here for the original news report School Holds Surprise Gay Day. To briefly summarize, the school has been in the news for holding a “Coming Out Day” for kindergartners as well as holding meetings of the Gay Straight Alliance Club in a Kindergarten classroom.

Details have emerged of a pledge card the kindergartners were asked to sign that said they would be “allies” of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals. This is just too much for a young student to understand. It has nothing to do with tolerance and everything to do with the gay activist agenda. Anyways, the video puts it better than I do, so please watch!

For more information about Prop 8, visit What Is Prop 8? or