Archive for the ‘sex education’ Tag

Gay Issues Curriculum for Kindergarteners

Alameda School Board Considering Adoption of LBGT Curriculum

This article is just in from KGO news in San Francisco. Let’s stop kidding ourselves. Equality is not enough, despite what Equality California tells us. The gay community will not be satisfied until we openly embrace their “gayness”. So, where better to start their campaign than with school children?

Read my previous post here about why certain issues don’t belong in the elementary school classroom. And, yes, for those who haven’t read my About page, I am an elementary school teacher.

“Gay Issues” Curriculum for Kindergarteners?

Elementary School Teachers Join Day Without A Gay

You may have heard that this Wednesday, many gays and their supporters are calling in sick to show how much they will be missed as an integral part of the work force. Sounds peaceful enough, and if that’s how they want to raise awareness, I say that’s much better than vandalizing churches, harassing Prop 8 donors, or calling me a racist bigot. But, did you hear what some Philadelphia elementary school teachers are going to do during their day off? Read this excerpt from the Boston Herald:

Scott Craig, a fifth-grade teacher at Independence Charter School in Philadelphia, had no problem requesting and being granted the day off. So many of the school’s 60 teachers were eager to show support for gay rights they had to make sure enough stayed behind to staff classrooms.

About 25 teachers plan to take Wednesday off and to have their work covered by substitutes while they discuss ways to INTRODUCE GAY ISSUES to their students and volunteer at the local branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, Craig said. A letter telling parents why so many teachers would be out went home Monday.

Does anyone still believe that gay marriage will not be taught to kindergartners? It’s only a matter of time. . .

Shame on you, you Heterosexist!

Teaching Intolerance through Tolerance Education

One of the major developers of curriculum for schools about gay issues is the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network GLSEN. One of their programs for schools is called Safe Space. On the surface, this program sounds great. According to the Program Introduction, the goal of the program is to shape a school culture that is accepting of all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion or other differences. Now, who wouldn’t want that? But, the problem is that while affirming the rights of gays and lesbians, it preaches against those who may feel differently about homosexuality due to personal or religious beliefs. A classic example is the activity on page 30 of the program called Terminology Match Up. One of the terms students and teachers are asked to define is heterosexism. GLSEN defines heterosexism as a bias against homosexuality rooted in the belief that heterosexuality is superior or the norm..

Do you see the hypocrisy? For gay activists like those who wrote this curriculum, it’s not enough to be tolerant of all people’s gender or sexual identity. They are only satisfied if we wholeheartedly endorse theirs. So, how do you think a little Catholic girl would feel in such an activity? I can hear her now, Teacher, but my church taught me that homosexuality is wrong. Sorry, responds the teacher, your church is teaching you to be a heterosexist, and that’s bad!

Please don’t misunderstand me. I have NO tolerance for hateful speech or actions against the gay community. But, where is the reciprocation for the religious community? I’m still waiting.

For a more detailed definition of heterosexism, including how gays are using it to fight traditional marriage, click here

No on 8’s Final Stand. . .as they ignore Faith Ringgold School

Either the No on 8 people are getting really desperate, or they just have a whole bunch of money to spend. Every time I turn on the television, I see another Hollywood actor telling me to vote No on 8. The funniest one was tonight when the stars of t.v.’s Ugly Betty told us why they think Proposition 8 is unfair and wrong. Tony Plana had the quote of the night – “Proposition 8 has nothing to do with religion or schools”. Nothing to do with schools? Well, you’ve heard me argue that silly statement away. But, nothing to do with religion? Isn’t that why many voters are against same-sex marriage, because it goes against their religious beliefs? How can you spout such nonsense?

So, all you Proposition 8 opponents, you have your friends in Hollywood with all their money supporting your slick t.v. ads. You’ve convinced senators, the State Superintendent of Schools, the CTA, etc., etc., etc. You even got Jerry Brown to change the ballot title and summary so that it said “eliminate rights of same-sex couples to marry” from it’s original wording of “amends the California Constitution to provide that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” And even with all these advantages, if you win, it will only be by a small margin.

What does that say? Most Californians WANT marriage to be defined as between a man and woman. We supporters of Proposition 8 aren’t rich and famous, so we have to resort to writing these blogs, hoping our voice will be heard over all the shouting of the No on 8 bloggers. Take away Hollywood, and we’d win by a landslide. And guess what? We still might anyways!

Back to schools – here’s another reminder of why we don’t want to redefine marriage. The following attachment is a letter sent to parents of students at Faith Ringgold School in Hayward, California. Yes, the same one that had the Coming Out Day for kindergarteners (see my post School Holds Surprise Gay Day for Kindergarteners)

Note how the school described this instruction on homosexuality as “anti-bias training”, thus taking away parents’ rights to remove their children from the curriculum. Pretty sneaky, wouldn’t you say?

Letter to Parents at Faith Ringgold School

Same-Sex Marriage in California Schools? Of course not. . .

The battle over Proposition 8 is raging. Jack O’Connell, Ellen DeGeneres, and now Diane Fienstein have jumped on the No on 8 bandwagon to decry the Yes on 8 ads as “shameful”, “discriminatory”, and “wrong”. Do you see the tactic? They are trying to shame us into voting No on 8. Oh, come on. We know that you think it’s a matter of equal rights, but I don’t. I hold the belief that you CAN be respectful of gays and lesbians without selling out on personal beliefs. I’m sorry. I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I don’t hate you, I just disagree with you.

I’m still waiting for the No on 8 commercials to defend the First Grade Field Trip to a Lesbian Wedding or the Faith Ringgold School Kindergarten Coming Out Day . Weren’t these instances of the very thing you say Yes on 8 is lying about?

Here’s another one I’d love you to share with California voters. This is a video from New Day Films entitled It’s Elementary. Quoting from the New Day Films Website:

It’s Elementary takes cameras into classrooms across the U.S. to look at one of today’s most controversial issues – whether and how gay issues should be discussed in schools. It features elementary and middle schools where (mainly heterosexual) teachers are challenging the prevailing political climate and its attempt to censor any dialogue in schools about gay people. Rather than focusing on the debate between adults, though, the film takes the point of view of the school children, starting as young as first grade.

California Crusader’s translation – “We at New Day Films think same-sex relationships should be seen as normal, and we want to teach that belief in elementary schools.” So, New Day Films, am I allowed to create a curriculum that teaches the opposite? Of course not – that would be hate speech.

Anyways, be ready for some jaw-dropping lessons taught to real children in real elementary schools. Be clear, I’m not arguing that discussions of same-sex relationships should be avoided with young children, only avoided in elementary schools. As you will see in the video, these children don’t have the critical thinking skills to even question what is being taught to them. For them, a teacher said it, so it must be true. Here’s the link:

The Homosexual Agenda in Elementary Schools

For more information about Prop 8, visit What Is Prop 8? or